Executive Summary
Opportunies from consolidating procurement across enterprise
- Category Management
- Best Price Evaluation
- Tail Spend Management
- Develop enterprise-level strategic sourcing plan and category
- Execute commodity waves to maximize savings vs. effort
Potential MRO savings
- Estimated in excess of $5.2m or 9% of total spend
Key Findings
Volume concentration & category management
- 80% of spend concentrated in four categories
- Split across 940 suppliers in those four categories
Best price evaluation
- 27% of parts purchased at multiple price levels
- Potential $5.2m savings (9%) if all parts purchased at lowest
Tail Spend Management
- 8% of Vendors constitute 80% of spend
- Effective management estimated to save 5-10% in MRO spend
Study Parameters
- Time frame: FY14 (20130301 - 20140228)
- Dataset: Miller, Coors MRO expenses
- Records: 124,758
- Categories: 24
- Plants: 11
- Vendors: 1,109
- Parts: 41,655
- Exclusions: direct material purchases (16 records totaling
Data exploration
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Legacy Company'. You can override using
## the `.groups` argument.
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